Friday, August 17, 2007

Trust, love and logic

Hmm just used this phrase, but i trusted you and you ****.
Whoa, how easy is it to relinquish responsibility of a deed by saying i trusted YOU, but it is also like I trusted you.
Dude, you don't have to and its a choice you made, and deal with it.

And what is it with love, why does the person you love HAVE to be with you.
Whatz the relation between loving a person and having the person with you.
Yup you want to be with the person that you love, but if the person moves out, why do you have to stop loving that person. Kiddo grow up, stop reacting.
Damn your loving that person, doesn't make that person your slave.
Hmm, but commitment is another story, and yeah if both of you aren't commited, why does it hurt? Coz u can't stop thinking that person BETRAYED you. But why, no rhyme, no reason.
Hmm expectations, that is what you expected and it didn't happen. But dude wasn't that YOUR as in YOUR expectation, yeah, whatever.
But is there any lesson to be *learnt* from this?
Is it stupidity or is it not giving up going through the same pain again and again?
Different perspectives, different results and different conclusions.

Rationalization, whoa. Its a big word not worth its salt. Being afraid, thinking carefully and applying yourself is a choice. The flip side is that being stupid, being unrealistically dreamy is another choice. Why do i have trouble in adopting the middle path? Is it my identity, i will do things my way and create a new reality, huh? And then coax myself to believe i am a loser. Damn you, dude. Yeah, you didn't achieve much and you lost a lot. But then dude, you just like a life, full of risk and adventure. If you can give that up, you could start *having* things. Chill out, you don't have to prove a point, and if you have to, take a line segment, that has infinite of them. Chill out, enjoy life and do whatever makes you happy and plan on being happy, i.e. gonna be a fun way to start planning:-) And take a step by step on your dreams, thatz not as exciting, but lets fulfill them one by one, dude. We are gonna enjoy together, me and my *self*.

Loving outside the matrix aint as much fun as living in it, but the reality is outside the matix, hmm, and having happens in reality, yeah.

Happy for a reason, let the reason be happiness:-)

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